Rooftop Champagne Tasting

Elevate your senses with our dynamic rooftop champagne experience, where we craft a warm and inviting atmosphere for guests to mingle, connect, and revel in the delight of champagne paired with delectable bites. Rooftops offer a unique and breathtaking setting that perfectly complements the essence of champagne. As you sip on the effervescent nectar, immerse yourself in the stunning panoramic views of the cityscape, feeling on top of the world. The allure of rooftops lies in their ability to create a sense of exclusivity and sophistication, akin to the luxury and celebration associated with champagne. Experience the magic of twilight as the sun sets and the city lights come alive, or bask in the glittering starlit sky as you clink glasses with fellow champagne enthusiasts. Rooftop venues provide a memorable backdrop for your champagne journey, offering a touch of glamour and an elevated perspective of the world around you.

The standard tasting will feel like a champagne experience, during which we offer our guests :

  • four different styles of champagne;
  • matching food bites;
  • journey into the winemaking tradition and tips;
  • live Jazz/Bossa Nova (optional);
  • unique location (optional).

The ticket purchase conditions for our public events:

  • Must be 18 years or above to attend our events.
  • Events that take place are generally held in areas protected from inclement weather.
  • Event Refunds: There are no refunds or exchanges for our tastings. However, tickets are transferable to others - the purchaser may give them to someone else who is 18 or over.
  • Attendees should arrive in time to follow the complete tasting.

We need to know the following information in order to set up a tasting at your private location:

  • The number of people that attend.
  • The date of the event, plus the starting and end time. *We like to arrive at least one hour in advance.
  • The location's address. *We can also propose a location if needed.
  • If we need to bring champagne glasses yes/no. *We prefer to use three different styles of champagne glasses during the tasting (flûte,cuvée prestige, and coupé glasses).
  • If we need to provide cutlery yes/no.
  • If we need to provide matching food yes/no. *If not we like to advise on the food pairing.
  • If you want the the Bossa Nova music.

Book your exclusive champagne experience today!

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Accepted payments:   High-End Tasting payments that we accept for using our champagne services.